About Brittany Ryan — The Jet Set Blonde

Creating your jet set life starts with a travel bucket list!

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    Meet the Founder…

    I’m Brittany Ryan, your travel guide on this incredible adventure where we explore how to create a life well-lived.

    I’m a beauty-seeking Pisces dreamer who loves to travel; a wine connoisseur and chef in the making; the person you invite to a Renaissance festival; a childfree by choice wife; and a natural introvert who loves lounging around in comfies!

    But I haven’t always lived the jet set life…

    As a young adult, I started seeing things through an unhealthy lens of comparison. What started as a motivating desire for self-improvement snowballed into a destructive habit of constant comparison. Grades, looks, athleticism, wealth - you name it - I wanted to be the best in every possible way.

    This toxic thinking led me down a very dark path where I started to compare my weight with others - not just with classmates, but also with magazine covers. I started believing that being ridiculously thin was what made me special, what set me apart from others. Controlling my weight demonstrated my unique propensity for discipline. My days were spent obsessing over calories, severely limiting my food intake, and sticking to an insane exercise regime. My inner dialogue of self-loathing and envy consumed me. I had become a shadow of who I once was, and I was far from living the life that I had always dreamed.

    Once in college, I observed my beautiful and smart sorority sisters living their best life. They were having fun, making memories, and making lifelong friendships. I wanted that too. I finally found the courage to break free from the mental prison I had created for myself. I began re-defining what a life well-lived looked like.

    I had an epiphany - I started to realize that life wasn’t about attaining impossible levels of perfection; it was about meaningful connection. It was about the time spent sharing love and laughter, making treasured memories, and seizing opportunities.

    I wanted to make up for lost time, and I wasn’t going to waste it ever again. So, I signed up for a study abroad program in the UK - my first time to travel outside the country.

    And little did I know, my jet set life had begun.

    5 of my favorite things…

    5 of my favorite things.png

    My Jet SEt Story…

    During my first visit to Europe, I was enchanted by their way of life. I felt as though I had stumbled upon the world’s paradise. It seemed as though people had discovered the secret to life there.

    After a couple of days of exploring, I sat down in a bistro and ordered wine and a charcuterie board. I could just pinch myself, I was so thrilled to finally be in Europe. I was taking in all the sights and people around me. I saw stylish ladies engaged in conversation over a long lunch, a young couple in love strolling along the promenade, a child frolicking near a fountain, a group of friends enjoying a picnic next to a royal castle.

    They all seemed to be so blissfully happy. They seemed to “get it.” Get what was important in life.

    Their lives were slower than the constant hustle and bustle that I knew back home. They took time to connect with each other, they took time to be healthy and outdoors, they took time to truly LIVE.

    As I sipped my wine and watched the people go by, it became clear that this was how I needed to live my life. No more mentally punishing myself for not being thin enough, pretty enough, smart enough, rich enough. No more wallowing in a sea of guilt.

    I needed to focus on the blessing and gifts of this world, the incredible beauty it holds, and the amazing people in it. I could no longer live in a world of delayed happiness and delayed gratification. I needed to be a woman who was truly living out in the world and not in her head.

    It was time to actually be the woman I had always dreamed I would become.

    No more waiting for the perfect figure, the perfect job, the perfect house, the perfect man.

    Instead I embraced the here and now. I created a new vibrant lifestyle for myself - a life full of celebration and appreciation for life’s little pleasures, like laughing with friends, sharing memories with family, traveling the world, feeling moved by music, and savoring a culinary delight.

    I focused on all the wonderful things I had, and I let go of what I didn’t have. I released myself from the false burdens I created out of self-sabotage. A weight was lifted. And I could now flourish.

    Are you ready for your jet set life to take-off?

    How to live a jet set life (2).png

    Providing CHILDFREE TRAVEL AND personal growth INSPIRATION

    from the flight deck as you reach your final destination

    The jet set life is the trip of a lifetime - it’s an adventure where we explore what it means to seize the day and live life to the fullest.

    A jet set life is vibrancy personified. It’s a life full of curiosity and wonder for the world. It’s a life full of grace, gratitude, and grandeur.

    Start living the jet set life - have more adventure in your everyday and more meaning in your now.

    Jet setters collect meaningful experiences and develop cross-cultural relationships from all around the world because it enriches us.

    We are explorers at heart and we aren’t afraid to venture into the unknown.

    We create the life of our dreams and fill it with moments of celebration, joy, inner peace, and thanks.

    B’s Bio…

    Brittany Ryan is your travel guide for all things childfree travel. Whether you’re childfree by choice, childless by circumstance, or a parent looking for a couples getaway without the kids, she’s your resource. Known as The Jet Set Blonde, Brittany inspires others to add more adventure to their childfree travel experiences.

    Brittany shares her passion for jet set living through her writings and education on global travel and personal growth. (She would love to add in-person events and retreats to that list, so contact her and let her know if you’re interested!)

    Connect with her to get detailed childfree travel itineraries, travel guides for memorable weekend getaways (without the kids!), and updates/recommendations on adult-only hotels, resorts, cruises, and other travel amenities.

    Brittany first traveled abroad with a European study abroad program while she was attending the University of Oklahoma, getting her Bachelor’s in Management. That first summer abroad changed her life forever. Following graduation, she moved to Scotland for a year to get her Master’s in International Business from the University of Edinburgh as a Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar.

    Since then, Brittany has visited 23 countries (and counting!) Her two favorites places in the world (so far) are Italy and Switzerland.

    My Favorite Quote…

    Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did.
    So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.
    Explore. Dream. Discover.
    — Mark Twain