10 Ways to Add Elegance to an Ordinary Day

woman in white dress looking at the eiffel tower in paris

This blog post was originally a transcript from a podcast recording. Listen to the full episode below. Subscribe today!

Elegance is when the inside is as beautiful as the outside.
— Coco Chanel

10 Ways to Add Elegance to an Ordinary Day

Well hello beautiful friends! How are we this week? This past weekend, Jordan and I finally tackled painting our living room. Frankly I’ve been dreading this one because it’s a large room and I hate when my living room is in disarray because it’s where I spend most of my leisure time, but I have to say, now that it’s nearly done, I’m so thrilled with how the room has turned out! 

We selected the most beautifully subtle light grey color by Sherwin Williams. We selected the Duration Home Interior Acrylic Latex paint in a satin finish. And the color we selected was Fleur de Sel. It’s literal translation is “Flower of Salt” but in French it means French sea salt. Fleur de sel is a rare and expensive form of sea salt that is harvested in parts of France. It’s formed from a thin, delicate crust on the surface of seawater as it evaporates. It sounds rather elegant, doesn’t it?

Which is exactly what I want to talk with you about today. I want to share with you 10 different ways to add more elegance into an ordinary day. So, let’s jump into today’s episode!

What is Elegance?

Before we dive into all the lovely ways to add more elegance into your life, we first need to talk about what elegance is. The definition of elegance is the quality of being graceful and stylish in appearance or manner.

What do you think of when you think of elegance? What type of woman do you picture when you think of an elegant woman? Several iconic figures tend to come to mind for many people - stars like Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly, and Jackie Kennedy.

For me, when I think of elegance, I instantly think of my grandmother, Yvonne Weinhardt. I called her Mimi. Even her name was elegant. She was the epitome of grace and class. She was tall and slender and attractive, but beyond that she was intelligent, kind, and sophisticated in every way. She spent her summers in France with family so she could speak French fluently, which I always admired.

When we think of elegance, we usually associate it with style and outward appearance, but I think elegance is so much more than just fashion. It’s the way you behave, it’s the way you carry yourself in a room, it’s the way you speak, and it’s the way you think. I think elegant women have an aura of confidence about them that really comes from within. Yes, they may look stylish on the outside, but they have what the French say, “je ne sais quoi,” which translates to a quality that cannot be described or named easily.

This episode seems to be having a French theme here, doesn’t it? It’s probably because I’m dying to travel and well frankly, Paris is always a good idea.

So now that we have a beautiful depiction of what elegance is, let’s discuss 10 ways to add more of it to your everyday!

Now I’m certainly not living in elegance in every moment of my day, but there are quite a few simple things that we can do to elevate our quality of elegance

  1. Express gratitude often.

Elegant women radiate inner peace. And that peace is derived from an attitude of gratitude. Start your day with some mindfulness by meditating or journaling. I have been using a great gratitude journal that I found on Amazon that has helped me foster and maintain an attitude of gratefulness throughout the day.

Do whatever you need to do to have a quiet moment to yourself in the morning and to be intentional about how you want to show up in the world that day. Consider the emotions you want to feel for the day, the actions you want to take, and the mindset you want to be in, then be deliberate about it as your day goes on.

I also want to share that elegant women not only feel gratitude, they express it to others. So be mindful and polite to others. Say thank you often and be genuine in your interactions with other human beings throughout the day. It’s amazing to me how some people can go through an entire day without thanking anyone when there’s so many opportunities to do so on a regular basis. 

Thank the server when your food is delivered, thank you coworker who sent you that document you really need, thank your friend for listening to you, wave at the car that let you cut in to the line. Maybe even sit down and write a good ole’ thank you letter to send in the mail.

When we operate from a place of gratitude, the world will reciprocate to all of that positive energy that you are putting out. Put positivity into the world and you’ll receive it back ten-fold.

2. Invest in a timeless wardrobe.

Elegance has an understated sophistication about it - especially when it comes to your wardrobe. 

Consider going through your closet and donating or selling some of the clothes that don’t feel as elegant to you anymore. I’ve gotten pretty good at Marie Kondo-ing my closet on a regular basis. Here are some tips for a more elegant closet if you don’t know where to start.

First, opt for solids and basics. As I’ve grown older, I’ve found that I gravitate more to solid colors now - especially black, white, and neutral. It’s hard to go wrong with those color palettes. I’m now at a stage in my life where I don’t need or want a lot of clothes - I just want timeless, high quality pieces. I’ll still occasionally go for prints, but they are usually more muted and subtle.

Next, opt for delicate jewelry. I like to pair my wardrobe with delicate everyday gold jewelry. I’m not saying get rid of your statement pieces, but when you do go for that look, downplay the rest of your accessories so that that gold chain necklace or pair of dangle earrings make an even greater impact when you wear them. 

Finally, my biggest piece of advice for an elegant wardrobe is invest in pieces that you feel comfortable in. As we’ve already established, elegance really comes from within, over what you’re wearing. And if you don’t feel comfortable in what you’re wearing, you won’t feel confident. And elegant women are confident women. So, first and foremost, invest in pieces that flatter your figure but also make you feel good about yourself inside and out.

3. Slow down.

Elegant women aren’t in a rush. They are not in a hurry. Elegant women operate from a place of enoughness. There’s enough time. There’s enough money. There’s enough worth. 

A time in our day that many of us rush through is our mealtimes. How often were you grabbing a power bar as you flew out the door for work in the morning? How often have you munched on your sandwich while reading emails and checking Instagram? How often have you had dinner in front of the television without saying another word to your partner or family?

We’re all guilty of this sometimes, myself included, but when we can slow down long enough to enjoy our food and appreciate the nourishment it gives us, we create elegance. Sit down and experience the flavors of your food. Savor your meal. Don’t overeat and stuff yourself. Put the phone and electronics away and engage with your family or friends.

When we slow down, we make space for being present. When you’re with someone else, really be with them. Offer them your undivided attention, even if it’s only for a brief while. 

I will say that amid this pandemic we’re in, that has been one upside of this entire mess. Because more of us are spending time at home and not commuting like we used to, we’ve been presented with a unique opportunity to slow down more and be present in our daily lives.

So take advantage of this unique time in our lives to practice slowing down and being present. It will add more elegance to your life, and you’ll look back on this time and know that something meaningful came out of it, despite the heaviness of the situation we’re all in.

4. Focus on kindness - inside and out.

Elegant women are kind in the thoughts that they think and the words that they speak. At the start of this, I mentioned that elegant women radiate inner peace. That’s because their inner dialogue with themselves is kind. The voice in their head is one of positivity and affirmation, not one of hate or despair. Elegance and self-hatred aren’t compatible.

Elegant women have a powerful inner voice that is encouraging and focused on growth and the future. She doesn’t punish herself for mistakes or labor over the past. She’s kind to herself because she has learned to love and accept herself - flaws and all. That’s what true elegance looks like.

Furthermore, take a moment to consider how elegant women speak. They don’t put others down and they don’t complain. I’m not saying that you can’t have a vent session with your best friend when you need it, but be aware of your surroundings. Be aware of the words that you speak. Words are powerful, and we all need to be more cognizant of how our words can affect others. So accept compliments with grace, refrain from constant complaining, and don’t say negative things about others behind their backs. If you’re going to say anything behind someone’s back, sing their praises and say something kind, not hurtful.

5. Learn a few hostess tricks.

As I grow into my elegance, one of the things that I’ve wanted to start improving in is my cooking skills. My dad is an awesome cook and as I grew up, I was fortunate that he would serve up the family with beautiful meals. But at the time, I had no interest in learning how to cook.

Even after college when I was living solo, I was still barely in my kitchen. But when I started dating Jordan, my now fiance, I wanted to start learning how to cook. Having never grown up in the kitchen, I was really apprehensive about cooking at first. I didn’t know if I would overcook or undercook things. I didn’t know what utensils I needed. Overall, I lacked confidence in the kitchen.

But I’ve changed that with a food subscription service called, Home Chef. And let me tell you - I absolutely love this service. For someone like me who loves delicious, high quality meals, but who also hates grocery shopping and is not naturally creative with foods, this is a perfect solution for me.

I get to pre-select the meals I want for the week, then they arrive in designated bags, each with their own step-by-step recipe cards. This service has helped me to evolve from being a clueless cook to a knowledgeable hostess. I now feel comfortable cooking for myself and guests and I actually enjoy the process now.

A great hostess trick is mastering a signature meal that you can whip up at any given time. For me, that dish is garlic lemon salmon on a bed of vegetable couscous. It’s healthy, fresh, easy to make, and packed with amazing flavors.

Another hostess trick I’d recommend is learning a thing or two about wine. The entire process of wine making and wine tasting is elegant, so learn something new in the world of wine and whip out that knowledge at your next date, business dinner, or dinner party.

And if cooking or wine is not your thing, learn how to create a charcuterie board that will blow people away. My sister is the queen of charcuterie boards that look almost too pretty to eat. But it’s meat and cheese, so I can’t pass on that! You may not want to cook or be interested in wine, but a meat and cheese platter is all about the presentation. Look at Pinterest to get some inspiration for how to assemble the perfect party platter. And for the record, you don’t need to be hosting guests for a charcuterie board - sometimes I’ll just have fine cheese, meats, and French bread for dinner, and it’s absolutely delightful.

Final recommendation if all those tricks are not your thing - learn how to make a refreshing, classy cocktail. This year, I’ve come to love the social media app TikTok - no it’s not just for teens. A lot of the short video clips have made me literally laugh out loud and they’ve brightened my day. But there’s actually also some really great how-to’s on there as well.

If you’re looking to create the perfect charcuterie board, check out @loverboards and if you want to start making some classy cocktails, look no further than @spiritedla. I love both of their content so much!

6. Take a dance lesson.

I don’t care what kind of dance lesson it is - it can be ballet, ballroom, or even pole dancing (which is actually super fun and a great workout by the way) - but whatever dance lesson you choose, you’ll walk away having learned something new about how to present yourself with grace and poise.

Taking a dance class helps bring awareness to your body, which is something that elegant women are acutely aware of. Elegant women seem to almost float through a room - and that’s not by mistake; they know how to carry themselves.

A fundamental of every dance class is good posture. Having good posture can make a world of difference, no matter what situation you’re in. Have good posture and you can make your pajama set look runway ready. Shoulders back, chin up, and you’ll be well on your way.

7. Pause, listen, and breathe.

Some of the most elegant women are great listeners. They’re not the loudest or most obnoxious person in the room. The most elegant women in the room are the ones who are attentively listening to others and pausing before speaking over someone else. They are actively engaging in conversation, allowing each party to speak.

Also, remember that silence can be intriguing and can create an air of mystery about you. You don’t always have to try to fill silence with chatter. There’s elegance in the pause.

Beyond taking the time to listen to others, also take the time to respond thoughtfully to others. We all have triggers and most of us want to react to these triggers by yelling or losing it in public. But elegant women pause and take deep breaths before responding. I’m not saying ignore it or stuff it away; just pause and take a deep breath before responding to a trigger. Do this to allow yourself the time to collect your thoughts and show up as your highest self. When you keep your composure, you’ll come out on top every time.

8. Enhance your surroundings.

Your mindset and your thoughts truly set the tone for how you will perceive and react to any situation, however in a cluttered setting, your brain has to work harder to achieve that. Make it easier on yourself and tidy up your environment. There’s elegance in tidiness and simplicity. 

Sometimes we don’t even notice it but our surroundings have the ability to impact how we think and feel. So, take some time to clean up or organize your bedroom, your closet, your living room, the kitchen, the pantry, your car, your desk. You don’t have to do this all at once but bring attention to the environments that you put yourself in and create a neat atmosphere so that you can think freely and clearly.

Now y’all know I can’t move on past this point just yet without mentioning the power of scent when it comes to your surroundings as well. Light a candle or diffuse some essential oils to instantly elevate the mood in your environment and to create an elegant setting. 

When it comes to candles, Capri Blue is my go-to brand. You can find these candles at Anthropologie or you can order them on Amazon. The candles come in an array of staple and seasonal jars that look beautiful simply as decor in your house or on your desk. But even better, they have some amazing signature scents, including Volcano and Blue Jean. They are also great gifts to give.

When it comes to essential oils, I like Eden’s Garden, which I have bought from their site directly or also on Amazon. I’ve mentioned these essential oils before, but here’s the top reasons why I like them:

  • The oils are high-quality, without synthetics, fragrances, fillers or toxic chemicals.

  • They’re GC/MS batch-tested to ensure quality, safety and effectiveness.

  • They’re not associated with any MLM company.

  • They’re easily accessible online.

  • Their oils are ethically and sustainably sourced.

  • They have over 250 single oil and synergy blends, which are my personal favorite.

If you’d like to explore the world of essential oils further, visit my Love List on my website for the perfect starter kit from Eden’s Garden - it’s the exact same kit that I started with when I first discovered the delightful world of essential oils.

9. Keep a first class curtain policy.

You’re probably wondering what in the world I mean by that, aren’t you?! You know when you’re traveling and you’re in the economy section of an airplane. Then you see the flight attendant walk to the back of first class and pull that little curtain across the aisle separating economy from first class? Or hopefully you’re on the other side of that curtain in first class, right?

Well we all need to keep a first class curtain around our lives and our minds. Be selective with the information sources that you choose to consume. Be selective with the people that you choose to surround yourself with. 

When you have a first class curtain policy, you have a set of boundaries that you’ve put in place for yourself. And those boundaries protect your self-respect and your elegance.

I’m not saying be rude or stuck up, but have enough self-respect for yourself to be selective in what you choose to engage in.

One area that I keep a first class curtain policy around is my social media. Have you ever been scrolling mindlessly through social media and you just start feeling depressed because you’re looking at all of these other people’s best moments in their lives? Yeah, me too. So as a result, to protect my inner peace and happiness, I limit my social media time. I also mute and unfollow people so that my feed contains only the best, most high quality content in it.

Bottom line - elegant women have self-respect and they choose to surround themselves with high quality content, people, and things.

10. Travel often.

Y’all know I couldn’t leave travel out of this list since I’m The Jet Set Blonde! Travel is one of the most elegant things you can do. Not because travel is often associated with vacations and cocktails and relaxation, which are all lovely, elegant things that you deserve. But because travel enriches your soul and your personal development. It makes you cultured. 

And elegant women are cultured women.

I realize it’s not all that easy to travel right now, but remember that traveling doesn’t have to be an international, cross-country backpacking spree. Pick a nearby town or city and pack a weekend bag. Just changing up your scenery can heighten your senses and add excitement to what would be an otherwise normal weekend at home.

I’d love to hear some of your ideas for how you choose to add more elegance in your everyday - message me on Instagram at @thejetsetblonde or post on the Jet Set Blonde Facebook page. If you’re feeling inelegant at this time in your life, know that these are things that I work on and learn over time. You don’t have to perfect all of these to be elegant. Remember that elegance comes from within and it’s a mindset for how to approach your life and make it the most extraordinary that it can possibly be.

With love and elegance,


brittany ryan - the jet set blonde - childfree travel

author bio

Known as The Jet Set Blonde, Brittany Ryan inspires others to add more adventure to their childfree travel experiences. Brittany has visited 23 countries (and counting!) Connect with her to get access to detailed childfree travel itineraries, travel guides for weekend getaways, and updates on adult-only hotels, resorts, cruises, and other travel amenities.