With clarity, determination, and bravery, everything could be different.
Let’s create your dreams…30 days at a time.
Your dreams are hazy.
Maybe you’ve fooled yourself into believing that you are confused and that you don’t know what you want.
Consequently, year after year, your life stays the same.
Or Perhaps…
You have many dreams and you know exactly what you want.
But you’re overwhelmed and stuck by the process of making your dreams a reality. Year after year, you wonder why you haven’t accomplished it yet.
Either way, you’re frustrated.
You ask yourself, “What’s wrong with me?” and you come to the conclusion that turning your dreams into a reality is just not possible for you.
Jet setter,
Your dreams need a new you.
Two things are true…
#1 - You have a dream that you want to experience.
#2 - You can create your dream.
The Real Question is…
Will you keep on making excuses and settling with confusion to be exactly where you are 30 days from now?
Will you become a woman who makes her dreams a reality?
Pause and consider what could be different in 30 days.
My Vision Voyage workshop helps women create the desired outcomes they’re looking for, like…
Paid off debt
New career opportunities
Multiple book chapters written
Weight loss
New platform launches
Vacations booked and taken
Additional money
New business products
Happier relationships
New program launches
All in 30 days time.
You’ll be blown away by how much you can move forward in your dreams when you:
When you understand how to plan for your dreams, so much is possible in 30 days.
Sounds easy enough, right?
If making dreams a reality were so easy, we’d all be living out our dream lives right now.
So then why do some people follow through with their dreams while others don’t?
Making your dreams come true requires
Courage, Creativity and Compassion
Turning your dreams into a reality is about becoming someone new, someone you’ve never met before.
It takes courage to step into the unknown because there are no guarantees.
Our brains crave comfort so we don’t like being put into new situations that feel unfamiliar and foreign to us.
But I want you to surprise yourself and find out what you’re capable of.
It is not easy, but if your dream is meaningful to you, it’s worth every challenge that you’ll face along the way to create your jet set life.
This workshop is not about simply making a vision board and looking at it every day.
This workshop is all about becoming a woman who believes in her dreams and is capable of making them happen.
Vision Voyage
Where women make their dreams a reality in 30 days
Vision Voyage is designed for the woman who is ready to stop making excuses and start creating her dreams. In this workshop, I will guide you through the techniques and mindset work that I personally use to make my dreams a reality - 30 days at a time.
When you follow this exact framework, you will take significant steps towards creating your dream and making something new in the world.
And in this process, you will also become a new woman too!
A woman who is accomplished, confident, and unstoppable when it comes to making her dreams a reality.
Why don’t we see more women making their dreams a reality?
We act confused about what we really want.
We worry about what others would think.
We have grown to believe that our dreams impossible.
We have given up.
We are afraid to fail.
We feel guilty about wanting more for our lives.
We have stopped believing in what’s possible for ourselves.
We think that we are acting selfishly.
We believe our dreams are silly and impractical.
We let our past dictate our future.
But let me ask you this:
Dismissing your dreams comes at a great cost.
You put dreams on the back burner day after day.
You’re missing out on life because you’re scared of what others will think or say.
Life is passing you by and every day feels mundane and the same.
You’re living in a state of constant confusion.
You overload on content but never take action.
You continue to fail again and again and you don’t understand why.
You have the best of intentions to be productive but fall short at the end of another day.
You are constantly jealous of the people you see on Instagram and Facebook, living their jet set lives.
You disappoint yourself again and again, failing to show up for what you want.
Let me offer you an alternative:
Pick a dream & commit…
What if you made strides toward achieving your dreams 30 days at a time?
Your dream of…
Becoming debt-free
Getting a new job
Writing a book
Getting healthy and losing weight
Launching an online course
Backpacking through Europe
Starting a side hustle
Launching your own product line
Having a happy marriage
Starting a podcast
Imagine what your life would look like in one year…in five years….in ten years.
What would it feel like?
It would be incredible! And wildly different than the life you lead today.
Creating your dreams is amazing, however it’s not even the best part…
Who must you become to create your dreams?
You see, it’s not really whether or not you make that 30 day goal a reality in 30 days.
Although I so want that for you!
The best part about dream making is who you become in the process.
Who will you be?
…a woman with conviction and passion for her dreams
…a woman who can clearly define what she wants
…a woman who believes in herself
…a woman who can be decisive and take action
…a woman who creates and relies on her plans
…a woman who puts her values first
…a woman who has found her resourcefulness
…a woman who shows up and can’t be stopped
Take a moment to reflect on how becoming this woman will affect every aspect of your life.
That is the type of woman you become when you start creating your dreams.
If you’re still reading, I know that this is the workshop for you!
What’s so special about 30 days?
You would be surprised by how much you’re capable of completing in 30 days time.
By focusing on 30-day time intervals, you avoid getting confused and overthinking things.
Part of this workshop is to help you become a woman of decisiveness - someone who can evaluate her options, make a decision, and move forward, without looking back or making excuses.
Creating something new in 30 days will be difficult, but it is absolutely possible and I have full faith that you are able to do this.
With my support, you will become unstoppable!
Living a jet set life is the adventure of a lifetime where we explore what it means to seize the day and live life to the fullest. A large part of living life to the fullest is making our dreams come true!
Here’s an overview of the Vision Voyage workshop…
Introduction Week
Select your 30-day goal
You may feel overwhelmed, confused or disorganized when you first start. To prepare yourself for the workshop, we will work to narrow down your dreams to focus on a single 30-day goal.
What you’ll discover:
How to move from confusion to certainty
How to narrow down your dreams and select one to focus on for this workshop
The framework for turning your dreams into reality
Week One
Designing Your Vision Voyage Map
Thinking about your dreams can feel super exciting but without a plan for decisive, consistent action, your goal won’t work out. In this module, we will create a map that outlines your goal’s roadmap.
What you’ll discover:
How to map out a plan of action for achieving your 30-day goal
A clear method for breaking down your goal into actionable tasks
How to manage your calendar effectively
Week Two
Navigating Uncharted Waters
Overcoming obstacles requires courage and discipline. This module will teach you how to weather the storm and navigate uncharted waters (aka. obstacles and challenges) along the way.
What you’ll discover:
How to overcome overwhelm and perfectionism
How to prepare for challenges
What to do when you face obstacles so that you can move past them
Week three
Catching the Wind in your Sails
This module is all about staying motivated as you work to make your dream a reality. In this module, you’ll learn the science behind motivation and techniques for keeping the wind in your sails.
What you’ll discover:
Why not all motivations are created equal
The easiest way to maintaining long-term motivation
5 motivation killers and how to overcome them
Week Four
Becoming the Captain of your mind
Mindset is everything when it comes to achieving your dreams. This module will reveal how to manage your mindset and take control of your destiny.
What you’ll discover:
The difference between past and future thinking
How belief systems shape our present reality
How to use the thought ladder
What to do to get out of a thought spiral
A Weekly
Daily Journal Exercise
Digital Workbook
Five Weekly Modules
Each week, you’ll receive access to a new module filled with effective techniques to help you overcome any obstacles you may be encountering. You have the option of reading or listening to the lessons.
Daily Journal Exercise
Practice clarity and daily intention using your daily journal exercise pages. This exercise will help you to have the right mindset for setting out and making your dreams a reality.
A Digital Workbook
Your chic digital workbook will provide step-by-step instructions on how to clarify and achieve your dreams. The workbook is filled with exercises that will help you to map out and stay on track of your goal.
Plus…Bonus Content!
Overcoming Overwhelm
Managing Your Emotions
Time Blocking
An inside look at how I manage my calendar system to ensure greater productivity and more free time for leisure (it really is possible!)
Overcoming Overwhelm
A training to understand the source of overwhelm and how to move past the feeling to continue the pursuit of your dreams.
Managing Your Emotions
A simple process for creating the motivation you need to move forward in the direction of your dreams and become unstoppable.
Sign Up Today
This workshop will help you to turn your dreams into a reality
in 30 days at a time
***Special $300 discount***
In Vision Voyage, you focus on becoming someone new. A woman who shows up for herself.
To create something new, you must make your future bigger than your past.
You will have to release your stories of the past…
…I always fail.
…I’m not enough.
…I don’t know how.
…I don’t have time.
…It’s too late for me.
…It’s impossible.
Together, I will help you to overcome those self-sabotaging beliefs so that we can start paving the way toward your successful future.
I’ve got your back the whole way.
So are you ready to start showing up for yourself?
My expectations for you as a student of Vision Voyage…
If you sign up for this workshop, I expect that you are committed to making your dreams a reality and that you want to see real, positive changes in your life.
I expect that the women who enroll in this course are looking forward to becoming someone new in order to create something new.
This workshop releases material on a week-by-week basis, so it requires that the enrolled students are fully committed.
IMPORTANT: Because this workshop releases material on a week-by-week basis, no refunds or credits will be given after you enroll.
What I promise you in Return…
I am committed to providing first class content in my courses - I want you to feel like you’ve just stepped into your very own private jet, ready for take-off.
I will check in with you periodically to help you stay accountable to yourself and to help answer any questions you may have.
I’ll share with you personal examples of how I’ve faced and overcome challenges (some more resiliently than others.)
If you’re still with me (which I sincerely hope you are,) let’s get started today!
Sign Up Today
This workshop will help you to turn your dreams into a reality
in 30 days at a time
***Special $300 discount***
Frequently Asked Questions
+ Who is this workshop for?
This program is for any woman who has a dream and wants to apply new techniques for making that dream a reality. Even if you are not sure what your big dream is yet, this workshop can help you get clarity on it.
+ How is this workshop delivered?
This is a self-led workshop, though the content is released over a five week timespan. This is designed to allow you the chance to progress in your dream making day after day, over a 30 day period.
When you sign up, you will immediately be granted access to the learning platform where all class material and recordings are available. At this time, you will have access to the Welcome and Bonus materials. This includes a digital copy of the Vision Voyage workbook that you can print and fill out.
The following day, you will receive an email notification granting you access to the Introduction Week materials.
From that point on, you will receive a weekly email to notify you of each new module's release, accessible on the learning platform.
+ How much time will I need to complete the workshop?
The only thing required of you is 100% commitment. There is not a magic number of hours required to spend on this material.
Over the 30 day period:
- You will be expected to complete each week's lesson (approximately 60 minutes long).
- You will be expected to complete the weekly action items (that you set) on your own time each week which will contribute toward making your 30-day goal a reality. (Time may vary depending on your specific goal.)
- You will be expected to do a daily check-in with yourself every day (preferably in the morning) and complete your daily journal exercise (a suggested minimum of 15 minutes of undistracted time.)
- You will be expected to submit a weekly Accountability Form at the end of each module to help you stay on track (a suggested minimum of 5 minutes of undistracted time.)
+ What is the timeline for this workshop?
The exact timeline for this workshop will vary depending on when you sign up.
New modules will be released to you depending on the day that you purchased this course.
- Immediately: You be notified via email of access to the platform as well as the Welcome and Bonus materials.
- The Following Day: You will be notified via email of access to the Introduction Week materials.
- 7 Days Later (start of 30-day count): You will be notified via email of access to the Week One materials.
- 7 Days Later: You will be notified via email of access to the Week Two materials.
- 7 Days Later: You will be notified via email of access to the Week Three materials.
- 7 Days Later: You will be notified via email of access to the Week Four materials.
- 9 Days Later (end of 30-day count): You will be notified via email of access to the Celebration Week materials.
- 5 Days Later: Access to Vision Voyage is closed.
+ How long will I have access to this workshop?
Because this is a workshop based on creating something new in 30-day intervals, you do not receive lifetime access.
However, you will be able to download all digital materials and have access to download the lesson recordings.
Five days following your 30-day goal period (your Celebration Week), access to Vision Voyage will be closed.
After you've worked with me and the materials for a 30-day goal span, you can repeat these techniques again and again to make other dreams a reality in your life.
+ Can I enroll in this workshop again?
Yes. If you prefer to work through another goal with my support and help of the Vision Voyage materials, you are welcome to enroll again. Some women appreciate the additional accountability that this program provides!
What will you be celebrating in 30 days?
Consider who you will be 30 days from now.
How will you feel? What will you have created? What will you be celebrating?
In 30 days time, will you still be making excuses when it comes to your dreams? Will you still believe that your dreams aren’t worth your time or energy? Will you still be shying away from discomfort? Will you still be in the same place as you were?
Will you become a new woman who’s fully committed to making her dreams a reality? Will you feel proud of your accomplishments? Will you develop new skills? Will you become someone who is unstoppable?
The latter, right?!
I’ll see you inside Vision Voyage my friend!
Sign Up Today
This workshop will help you to turn your dreams into a reality
in 30 days at a time
***Special $300 discount***
If you have any questions about the course, please email me at: